League of Legends - Live Stream 3 - Normals

Hey Guys, Thanks for watching my Video. I love making video, especially when it comes to The lord of the rings online. I also make videos of things that interest me. On The Lord of the Rings Online, I play in different servers. The main server I mainly play at is Brandywine, but I also play in Imladris and Landroval. I mostly play hobbits, but since hobbits can't be Rune Keepers or Lore Masters, I also play female elves. My favorite races in The Lord of The rings are the hobbits and dwarfs. I love every aspect of the game including crafting, raiding, housing, questing, doing deeds, cosmetics, meeting new people, and I even enjoy do some pvmp. I like participating in the lord of the rings online festivals as well as concerts. I'm also into collecting cosmetics, creating my own cosmetic ensembles. Additionally, I also love collecting housing decorations, and acquiring housing trophies. My favorite housing trophy right now is the Dragoich's fire place. I enjoy watching other players role play, and I also give kisses to male hobbits and dwarfs. I love fat faced male hobbit with big bellies. One of my favorite places to hang out in Landroval server is The Prancing Pony, most of the role players are around or inside the tavern. Brandywine and Imladris won't have anyone role playing in or around the prancing pony. I also play a reaver in the ettenmoors. I also play League of Legends, and Yoworld. My favorite champions in League of Legends are Heimerdinger and Teemo. I also play The Elder Scrolls Online. Thanks for watching, please subscribe, like, share and leave a comment, thanks again..

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