ArcheAge - How to speak and learn other languages - tutorial

This is a tutorial for ArcheAge to understand how to speak and learn all the different languages in the game. - SHORTCUTS - for quick use (in case you already know about languages and continents and just want to know quickly how to speak them) :. 2:53 (showing how to change languages in game). 5:15 (how to find a language tutor). This game has 4 languages and 2 dialects. Here I explain how to switch from one language to the other using the chat system, I explain how this works how it could be used and how to learn other languages such as the elven language the Haranya continent dialect and so forth. Please enjoy. list of languages:. Nuia continent dialect = /nuia. Nuian language = /nuian. elven language = /elf. Haranya continent dialect = /haranya. Harani language = /harani. Firran language = /firran.

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