My Opinion on What Went Wrong with World of Warcraft

There were alot of changes in the game, some I was okay with, the rest I seriously couldn't stand. I know I didn't cover EVERYTHING and there are other issues, but this is my opinion. I couldn't put the entire video's text in the description, so I just put the end in, probably the best part of the video for me:. Warlords of Draenor. well, if you think they couldn't fuck their game up anymore, you're wrong. They destroyed it, shat on it, and put it in a bag to be sent off to the coast of Shitland McShit. Now instead of being able to CHOOSE where you want to level, and being concious of doing whatever YOU want, the game tells you where you can go and what you can do, and you can't do anything else. You have to follow the damn storyline or GTFO. Blizzard introduces Garrisons, claiming it to be "the best thing ever" - when in reality, it's the worst fucking thing they ever could've done. BRB, free herbs and ores and I never have to experience Azeroth again cause I got all my resources right here. BRB facebook simulator game where I tell people to go on missions in my garrison. PvE endgame was better than PvP gear, so high end raiders at the start of the expansion were shitting all over PvP players, plus the world PvP zone they came up with was always full (never understood why they couldn't have multiple phases for it) - Raid Finder is even easier than before, PvP was absolutely dreadful and there was no such thing as balance, it was as unbalanced as you can get, they introduce a fucking E-store where you can buy a max level character, epic mounts and all sorts of shit. What's the point in playing, when you can just buy everything in 1 go. It defeats the challenge and the objective of an MMORPG in every way, and we watch Blizzard claim they are trying to pick up the pieces when they are just shattering it into even more pieces, appealing to children rather than adults, dumbing down the classes and force feeding us bullshit. You know the game has gone to shit when Ghostcrawler leaves, the guy that was in charge of all the PvP changes in the game, who was the cause of A LOT of rage within the community, he leaves, you know shits fucked up. I never understood why they didn't carry on the RTS genre Warcraft alongside World of Warcraft, they would've had an amazing RTS explaining the lore, coinciding with the game, but instead they send their developers to finish off Titan, which ended up cancelled. StarCraft II, which was always in the shadow of Warcraft (no hate on Starcraft, I enjoyed it, but prefer Warcraft) I just don't understand, cause Warcraft was their foundation, and they just left it in the dust to rot, whilst us passionate players that grew up playing the games are left wondering where the fuck they are and why this has happened. I personally think that due to Blizzards negligence, they cannot go back in time and create Legacy Servers, because they simply don't know how to without reaching out to the people that breached their terms of service in the first place through emulation. They must not have saved the files for their previous expansions, it does not make sense for the company to not go back in time and constantly stay in one failing direction. Even Activision have re-released Call of Duty 4 Remastered because they can see how much they've flushed their Call of Duty franchise down the drain, go and check Infinite Warfare's dislikes, it's fucking horrible. I personally think Activision is the root cause of all the problems within Blizzard over the years, the poor decision making, money grabbing. It didn't start like this, but it ended like it. Blizzard died with the Activision merge, and even though they managed to pump out one good expansion with them, it still shows that they are game destroyers. It's like, Bungie sold their game to another company, but they couldn't give it the same feeling, it's the same for WoW, they can't re-create it. It takes it to another level when they shut down the Legacy servers that are just trying to go back in time and experience the masterpiece that their shadow of a company once created, because it is better than the current game in every shape and form. Nostalrius was the best Private Server to ever exist and Blizzard couldn't stand looking at their old selves in the mirror, seeing how much better they were back then. It's like an old man staring at their youth in their reflection, wishing they could go back. Blizzard have dug a hole they can't get out of, and Legion won't be anything special, you can jump on the hype train because it says "World of Warcraft" at the front, but that isn't a World of Warcraft, cause the World of Warcraft that I know was amazing, and Legion isn't. You can never re-create the social immersion that Vanilla had, you cannot re-create such greatness. So WoW lives on in memory and emulation. Thanks for watching. Follow my twitch stream:.

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