Rainbow Six Siege Operation Dust Line Patch 3.0 - Everything You Need to Know About Head Gear

May 5th 2016 - Patch notes per Twitch.tv/Rainbow6. Name: Dust Line. Date: May 11th 2016. Patch Note Release: May 9th 2016. Operators:. Blackbeard. Movement / Armor (2/2). Gadget: Rifle Shield. Loadout-. Primary: Scar-H & MK-11. Secondary: Desert Eagle. Gadgets: Breaching Charge and Stun Grenades. Link of picture here Source: /u/SharpShooterPOR. Confirmed: Can ADS with Shield deployed. |--| Link of picture here Source: /u/JonathanRL. Now has Frag Grenades. |--| Link of video here Source: /u/coreross. Frost. No longer has Nitro Cells. |--| Link of video here Source: /u/coreross. IQ now detects shapes of objects and has a clearer screen. |--| Link of picture here Source: /u/Slav3a. Montagne. Shield now extended to the sides. |--| Link of picture here Source: /u/TheWildWeez. Tachanka. Faster deployment of turret. |--| Turret deployment can be closer to walls. |--| Thermite. No longer has Frag Grenades but has Flashbangs. |--| Link of video here Source: /u/coreross. Valkyrie. Movement / Armor (2/2). Gadget: Black Eye Cameras. Quantity: 4. Loadout-. Primary: Spas-12 & SIG MPX. Secondary: Desert Eagle. Gadgets: Deployable Shield & Nitro. Link of picture here Source: /u/SharpShooterPOR. Weapons:. Red dot and Triangle attachments have been fixed and the sights are smaller. |--| Same as being affected by Thatchers EMP Grenade. Source: /u/17Serenity17. Weapon charms and skins coming. |--| Link of picture here Source: /u/SquidApocalypse. Customization between rounds. |--| Attachments and such. Map: Border. New artwork of border. |--| Link of picture is here Source: /u/MicrowaveGaming. Probably going to be a border check station that was attacked. |--| Twitter GIF. Link of gif here Source: @ESLRainbowSix. Can now cancel the deployment of a gadget. |--| Seasonal Rank announced. |--| Rank will be reset each season. |--| Cameras now have a compass. Disabled Cameras are now crossed out. |--| Link of picture here Source: /u/Croned. Changes to lighting within the game. |--| Attackers now have an easier time seeing inside from the outside. |--| Defenders now have an easier time seeing outside from the inside. |--| End or round is now in color. |--| Link of picture here Source: /u/Slav3a. End of round will include a MVP. |--| Link of picture here Source: /u/Slav3a. Operator skins also coming. |--| Link of picture here Source: /u/Slav3a. Head skins video. |--| Link of video is here Source: /u/coreross. Head skins pictures taken from video. |--| Link of pictures are here Source: /u/DM2602. PC: Anti-Cheat. No more announcements as of yet. |--| /u/Its_Epi has confirmed it is a top priority and Ubisoft is working very hard on this issue. |--| Sources dug up by /u/quaddamage08. Moving Forward. Ubisoft is working hard to fix everything and is listening to the community. |--| /r/Rainbow6 and Twitch chat is a huge source of communication between Ubisoft and the community. |--| The Event in Videos / Pictures (check it out). Link of video here Source: /u/JustHellooo. Link of pictures here Source: /u/JonathanRL. Donation link -.