[Hearthstone] Tavern Brawl 6 is Live! (Heart of the Sunwell)

Tavern Brawl 6 is live in Europe, play it. If you don't want spoilers, don't read on, watch the video, or look at the thumbnail you've probably already seen. Sorry about that, I'll make it a vague thumbnail ;). This brawl favours the heavy hitters, starting both players with 10 mana. Forget about early and mid-game, this is all about the fun stuff at the end. Players with most of the cards will have lots of options, new and F2P players may struggle. It may be viable to play a mid-range deck as if it's zoo, vomiting mid-range creatures in the first few turns to counter the wall of what is likely to be legendaries as far as the eye can see. If you want to play an all legendaries deck, now is the time. You have four days, go. That's my plan at any rate, probably as warlock for the card draw. There are plenty of turn 2 kills (often involving Alexstrasza, turn 1 Alexstrasza turn 2 Pyroblast for example), but what turn 1 kills are there. That means either up to 4 cards and 10 mana, or up to 5 cards, 10 mana and the coin, dealing an instant 30 damage. Hearthstone is an online collectible card game created by Blizzard, with PvP and PvE content themed around World of Warcraft. Facebook:.

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