Diana vs Leblanc Mid - Patch 6.9 - Plat 3

League of Legends Plat 3 [NA]. What do I think of patch 6.9 - The mage update. Hourglass got a big buff with the cost and build path being improved significantly. |--| Abyssal also feels really good now that it scales and gives a little more mr. Keep in mind hybrid ap/defensive items are really good for Diana. I don't ever like going full glass cannon unless I'm dominating. Even then Diana still does a ton of damage building somewhat defensive. |--| The new hextech belt is good as a 2nd+ item. If you use R first then the active you can burst squishies with the rockets. You can use it to disengage, engage but I like the burst from it if you hit the majority of the rockets on 1 member. Runes (Jung Diana):. AS reds, Armor yellows, ap blues, ap quints. Runes (Lane Diana):. Magic pen reds, health/lv (vs ap) or armor (vs ad) yellows, mr (vs ap) or ap/lv (vs ad) blues, ap quints. Masteries found here:.