Der eisendrache solo Easter egg attempt 2

Hello My name is Jared Barker but u Can call me SadisticRabbit i post a lot of different games but my main Game is call of duty Zombies.At the moment its mainly bo3 zombies But world at war,bo1,b02 and,bo3 its all zombies.My twitter is @EvilcoffeeMug.Some of my friends are smaller bigger youtubers than me but are still very small their yt names.DrSandBags and,Surge Easy.I'm at the moment 12 years old and in my 2nd year of 6th grade.I hate school especially with the + of youtube.I have only a few things to left to say.If I promise you,It will most likely happen.And if you want to do something like youtube but you can't cause school or something Just here the most famous word that came out of Shia Labeouf's mouth JUST DO IT.Society tells you,you have to go to School,you need to graduate,you need to go to college and,you need to get a Good job that pays well no matter how much you hate it.Do you want to have money and hate your job.Or do something you love even if it doesn't pay well..

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