This song was performed by KIDSOLOG. Copyright 2014 Kidsolog: All rights reserved. A for apple. a- a apple. B for ball. b - b ball. C for cat c - c cat. D for dog d - d dog. E for egg e - e egg. F for fish f - f fish. G for giraffe g - g giraffe. H for hat h - h hat. I for igloo i- i igloo. J for Jacket j - j jacket. K for kite k - k kite. L for lemon l - l lemon. M for mouse m - m mouse. N for needle n - n needle. O for octopus o - o octopus. P for pumpkin p -p pumpkin. Q for question q - q question. R for rocket r - r rocket. S for sun s - s sun. T for train t - t train. U for umbrella u - u umbrella. V for vase v - v vase. W for walnut w - w walnut. X for xlophone x - x xlophone. Y for yoyo y - y yoyo. Z for zebra z - z zebra. Now we know the lettlers' sounds. Lets alltogether say them aloud. Call your friends and hold their hands. Sing this phonics song with them again..