IWC vs NA LCS | Day 2 LoL All-Stars 2015 in Los Angeles | CIS (ICE) vs NA (FIRE) #Allstar

League of Legends All-Stars 2015 in Los Angeles - Day 2. |--| First match of the day - CIS vs NA best of 1 normal game. IWC Line-up:. Top - Smurf Gangplank. Jungle - Dimajke Elise. Mid - Kira Anivia. ADC - LeX Kalista. Support - Dimonko Thresh. NA LCS Line-up:. Top - Dyrus Malphite. Jungle - Meteos Kindred. Mid - Bjergsen Fizz. ADC - DoubleLift Twitch. Support- Aphromoo Nami. Patch: 5.23 - Season 5. Game date: 11.12.2015 | 12/11/2015 | December 11th 2015. Game place: Los Angeles. Casters: QuickShot, Krepo and Zirene. Check out LPL and LCK games on my Senpai channel:. LCK Summer 2015 Round 1 playlist:.

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