I Thought it was time for a Mechwarrior Online review of the game after playing the game for over 30 years of the board/rpg and computer games. I gave it a 8 out of 10 as I still play but the bad points took it down by two points as you will see in the review. If you have any other points I didnt list leave them down below. These are the adventures of Oldbob, where you never know what I may do or end up in playing. From the games of old such as Zork and Wasteland to more modern games like Wolrd of Tanks, or Mechwarrior Online and my adventures in the horror game of DAY Z. I try to help with my videos with hints and tips, as well for just the enjoyment of gaming for myself and those that like my videos. I Stream live games on Twitch so come check me out sometime and hangout and enjoy the adventures of Oldbob. Facebook:.