Then download it. Q: What recording software do you use/broadcast with. |--| A: I use Action. Recording Software. Q: Can you give me any tips. |--| A: There are tips and tricks in EVERY episode - just watch. Q: Will you give me a shoutout. |--| A: Not like that. There are plenty of ways to get them 1 - Be an active member in the Commentunity * The Comments section* 2 - Come to the Live broadcasts and chat/ask questions there 3 - Random easter egg hunts in videos. Q: How old are you. |--| A: Well, at the time of this video, I'm either 42, or not. Q: Are you really a teacher. |--| A: Yes. I am in my 19th year as a Jr. High Choir/General Music Teacher. Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe today to join the fun!. FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES:. ➜ Contact me at: