Fallout 4 Playthrough: Part 11 - Nudists and Newcomers (PC Let's Play)
Thanks so much for taking a look:) Part 11 of my Fallout 4 Playthrough on PC. |--| As we close in on Kellogg with Nick, things start to get complicated. Time to get some answers though hopefully, one way or another. Is this the end or just the beginning. Thanks so much to everyone who has followed or is following, means the world to me. Would love to hear from you here or on Twitter or Facebook. Please get in touch even if you just fancy a chat :) Always looking for feedback too, really important to help me learn and grow as a person. Sorry about the mic clipping and the weird performance probs. Working on it. #fallout4 #fallout #pc #letsplay #ProtectYouTubers #WTFU #YGSEO #Newtubers. Please feel free to get in touch any way you want :). Twitter:.