Welcome to another exciting Adventures of BaconMan AKA SkyDoesMinecraft. We have to say, on behalf of BaconMan that BaconMan is better than SkyDoesMinecraft. Last time we forgot to mention that and HashBrownHank hid every bottle of catsup in the building. So, with that out of the way, BaconMan is joined with SausageSamurai, AKA JinBopGaming, HashBrownHank, AKA ThatGuyBarney, PanCakePal, AKA RagingHouse and CerealKiller AKA, NewScapePro. We’re covering all of the basic food groups for this video. Ok, the game is Run from the Beast and BaconMan is quick to choose CerealKiller AKA NewScapePro be the beast. Before things get going, be sure to comment down below if you’d like to see more Adventures of BaconMan, slap that like and subscribe button, too. The first thing is to read the rules. One person is chosen to be the beast and puts on full diamond armor. When he is ready, he hits the lever and the runners are released. The runner’s goal is to survive and get to the end of the parkour. At the end of the parkour, there is full diamond armor to kill the beast. Also, no breaking blocks or escaping. With rules established, CerealKiller now has his armor which means BaconMan, PanCakePal, SausageSamurai and HashBrownHank are on the run to flick the lever, open the door and release the beast. CerealKiller is quick to find BaconMan AKA SkyDoesMinecraft, SausageSamurai, AKA JinBopGaming HashBrownHank, AKA ThatGuyBarney and PanCakePal, AKA RagingHouse. Even though CerealKiller AKA NewScapePro says he is targeting SausageSamurai AKA JinBopGaming, he ends up taking out BaconMan. But, in BaconMan’s defense, PanCakePal slays the beast and CerealKiller AKA NewScapePro is defeated. And, because CerealKiller AKA NewScapePro is such a good sport, he is willing to become the beast again. We’ve got to say that CerealKiller AKA NewScapePro is very proficient at being the beast. Right before the next game starts, HashBrownHank AKA ThatGuyBarney discovers that he is covered with arrows which had no doubt been shot at him by CerealKiller AKA NewScapePro. Yeah, he’s that good. Anyway guys thanks for watching Minecraft Adventures of BaconMan Run from the Beast video. Don’t forget to leave your comments below, slap that like and subscribe button. See you next time!.