Ruby on Rails Tutorial | Building a Checklist

Table of Contents:. 0:00 Overview of finished application. 1:03 rails new Checklist. 2:05 rails generate model Item title:string description:text. 3:35 rake db:migrate. 4:12 rails generate controller Items. 5:15 rails server. 5:52 Get the ruby gems and insert them into the Gemfile. 7:06 bundle install. 7:45 Using Bootstrap in the application. 8:40 Installing simple_form. 9:40 Items routes and root route. Using the rake routes command. 10:58 Add index action and view. 12:25 Add functionality to create new items with simple_form. 14:15 Add new and create actions to the items_controller. 16:00 Add new view and render form. 17:00 item_params and filling out the create action. 18:35 List out items in the index view. 21:05 Add functionality to show an item, edit , and delete. 30:32 Add link to create new items. 31:46 Get and install the Devise gem. 36:30 Create a new user. 37:48 Add navbar to layout file. 44:08 rails generate migration add_user_id_to_items user_id:integer. 45:30 Add association between Item and User models. 46:40 Build items from the current user. 49:25 Create another user and filter items in index view. 52:50 Create static landing page. 55:53 Add Mark as Complete functionality. rails generate migration add_completed_at_to_items completed_at:datetime. 1:03:30 Add styling if an item is marked as complete and add completed_at and created_at timestamps. Add Font Awesome. 1:09:49 Add bootstrap layout classes. 1:16:52 Add CSS styles. Thank you for watching. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to leave a comment below!.