Sims 4: Socialism Challenge – Day 48

Overall Goal: Reach the top of all 8 or 10 conventional career tracks in the game. Score: Score is number of Sim days it takes before goal is achieved. (Move-in is Day 1). -Eight unrelated Sims. -All Sims are young adults. -"Big Happy Family" aspirations for all. -Random traits. -All aging off. -High free will. Overall Rules. -All Sims move in together (no merging, too high of a starting balance). -Lot is unrestricted, but no moving. -Death is permanent. -No kids in the event of death (these are the only 8 Sims we've got). -All Sims share everything in the lot. -Beds and bedrooms must all be identical. -No rewards from the Rewards Store. -Every second of gameplay recorded (unless absolutely too long). -Large architecture projects can be skipped pending viewer preference. -No restrictions on order of careers; play the hand we're dealt. -Branches are unrestricted; one branch per career. Career Tracks. -Astronaut. -Athletic. -Business. -Criminal. -Culinary. -Entertainer. -Painter. -Secret Agent. -Tech Guru. -Writer. -Athletic. -Business. Follow Me: ✦✦✦✦✦CleoSim4012@twitter.

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