Showing the bad Endings. Here is how to make them occur. Goerge and Cindy: To see this, play as George, don't use or possess any DAYLIGHTs, and make sure Cindy is alive. You can use one in the AMPOULE SHOOTER, though. Mark and David: To see this incredible ending (my favorite), play as Mark, don't use or possess any DAYLIGHTs, and make sure David is alive. You can use one in the AMPOULE SHOOTER, though. Kevin and Jim: To see this awesome ending (my second favorite), play as Jim, don't use or possess any DAYLIGHTs, and make sure Kevin is alive. You can use one in the AMPOULE SHOOTER, though. Alyssa and Yoko: To see this ending, play as Alyssa, don't use or possess any DAYLIGHTs, and make sure Yoko is alive. You can use one in the AMPOULE SHOOTER, though. I made this video 5 years ago and it had over 400000 views on my old account it was really popular =/.