|LETS GET THIS CHANNEL TO 100 SUBS HIT THE (SUBSCRIBE)|BUTTON| THANKS A BUNCH|. In this episode the Bentin family are acting all kinds of crazy. Welcome everyone and thanks for stopping by my gaming channel “Mommysplay2”. I absolutely love everything sim’s. My channel is an explosion of fun game play, building, CAS, tips, tricks and more… Help support my channel (LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE). Follow me. Twitter- momsplay2. Instagram- Mommysplay2. Tumblr-Mommysplay2.tumblr.com. Origin ID- TLM75WOOD. Game Spec (I have the following Sims 3 expansion and stuff packs in the game). Sims 3 (Generations, Ambitions, Late Night, University Life, Pets and Island Paradise). Featured Playlist. Sims 3 Lets Play.