Diablo 3 Season 6 Uliana Monk Gameplay S1 Ep3, "Joe and Puukko Vs the Grind!" | 2.4.1 |
Gameplay. Diablo III incorporates the Havok physics engine and enables players to utilize the environment to help in their quest. For example, huge walls can be reduced to rubble to squash monsters by the Barbarian skill Seismic Slam. Even monsters use the environment (such as Ghouls scaling the walls to reach the player). Many more parts of what appear to be a seamless background environment are destructible. Some dilapidated areas will also collapse (without harming the player in most cases) automatically when the player gets too near or passes under part of a structure. The UI, including character screen and inventory is functionally similar to its predecessor, besides the graphical upgrades and more details in expanding tabs, and will be very familiar to Diablo II players. Some stats (and their UI bars) were removed, including Stamina (and therefore Walking). The experience bar is now at the bottom of the screen spanning across the UI panel. Some other stats were changed or added, but overall, remain similar to what they used to be. Stat allocation is changed to Paragon system, allowing players to allocate excessive stats after reaching maximum level (60 or 70 with expansion), but before that, core stats are distributed automatically. Paragon levels continue to increase without limit after reaching maximum level, and are shared among all characters of same type on account. Potions have lesser importance because of the introduction Health Globes, dropped by slain monsters. These replenish lost Life when picked up, and cannot be stored. Only one (endless) potion can be equipped, usable every 30 seconds, but potions may grant special effects in addition to restoring Life. In co-operative play, loot is dropped for individual players (player cannot see what the others get). This was done to encourage trading between players in a group and reducing thievery. Co-operative play remains as the core of multiplayer, with a drop-in, drop-out feature so one can share their items (only available 2 hours after they drop, and only to players who were in the same pa. Intro Music:. Creative Commons License.