Carry Your Teammates League of Legends
Carry Your Teammates ( League of Legends )
What are u sitting there for. Play that solo q and carry ur teammates. (honestly, this was probably the funnest video ever to make haha). The Replay Site.
League of Legends| Leaving your teammates
Leaving your teammates behind is what gets you guys to lose. Never do it. Smash that like button if you enjoyed and make sure to subscribe and tell then, see you the...
[Build Guide] How To Play Warwick [Season 6] - LOVELY TEAMMATES | League of Legends
Server : Europe Nordic & East. Patch : 5.22. This How to Play Video Build Guide demonstrates a way how to play Warwick as Top Laner against Fizz. You can see...
Let's play Together: League of Legends: Wenn Teammates AFK gehen.../ Taliyah Mid [HD] German/Deutsch
Let's Play Together: League of Legends. Kommentiert von Marcel und Julien. League of Legends:.
League of Legends - Average Thresh plays, less than average flaming teammates.
League of Legends - Average Thresh plays, less than average flaming teammates. Game: League of Legends. Author: Bcarter96.
League of Legends|Yasou|Carry|#1
Nincs mit hozzá fűznöm,, csak annyit hogy cskhun3452.
League of Legends | How to carry with Lucian !
Here are some montage's of my gameplays. Elo: Platinum 3. Runes/Masteries: Enjoy !.
League of legends I am AD carry Montage!
If you liked the video dont forget to prees. |--| And if you want to see more video click to subscribe!.
League of Legends Vladimir Top da carry GG xD
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼. Like + Favorito + Comentar ◄. ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲. ☻▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬☻Redes Sociais. Twitter :.
League Of Legends #55 - On essaye de carry !
League Of Legends #55 - On essaye de carry. Premade avec TDTN Anubis(krypton). Twitter :.
[Funny lol] | League of Legends | YI CARRY #1
ngay để theo dõi những video mới nhất từ Thanh Khoa Channel. FACEBOOK THANH KHOA:.
[S6] League In-Depth : How To Carry When Losing (League of Legends)
IN THIS VIDEO :. A guide on how to carry when u are behind and losing. This will help you to get more knowledge in League of Legends, getting to know how to use it a...
Top 10 AD Carry Champions/ League Of Legends/Top 10 Series
My top 10 AD carries of LoL with some lovely gameplay of Rekkles xD. From MY champion list i mean. |--| Enjoy !. P.S i wish copyrights stay away from this video...
League of Legends - Lux Montage | Full AP Carry
My first League of Legends montage. Hope you enjoy it. League of Legends Lux Montage, the Full AP Carry. Music:. Phoebe Ryan - Mine (Illenium Remix).
League of Legends - (Carry) Platinum Nasus 2
LIKE because sometimes you just gotta say "fuck it" and carry everyone. New article on IP Costs and Rune changes.
What Happens If You Carry A Noob Team | League Of Legends
Hi Guys Today I am playing League. Actually im just a level 12 lol player but im playing mobas since. I was on 4th grade so enjoy. = Pls Hit that Like button. Never...
League of Legends - Bronze Volibear Carry
Its easy to watch streamers play and say they bronze carry because they are high elo. This is Volibear played from an actual Bronze 3 elo player(myself). This way yo...
League of legends Thresh - how to carry your game
this was an intense game. more intense than 5 coffees together. i have to admit that we were lucky that zed afk'd but whatever.
How to CARRY FEEDERS while FEEDING YOURSELF? | League of Legends
Want to learn how to win with feeders while also being a feeder. The answer lies within this video. And yes, you're looking at Redmercy's mating call pose in the thu...
URF is back this weekend, I was in lane with a galio and HOLY SHIT HIS DAMAGE WAS INSANE!. Please like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video!. :) Hopefully I'll be...
Trying to Carry the worst Support - (League of legends)
In this video i play corki and try to carry my bad support with him. Outro Song:.
Klinika #102 - ABC SUPPORT CARRY (League of Legends)
Z góry dzięki za łapki w górę i subskrypcje. Im ich więcej tym więcej nowych filmów. |--| Klinika na zawsze w naszych sercach. |--| Dotacje na rozbudowę Kliniki:.
Best Of Stixxay - The Rising Carry - League Of Legends
Track name: A Billion Robots - Crazy (Original Mix). Video Link:.
Kindred Jungle Carry S6 #2 ( League of Legends )
kindred jungle. kindred jungle guide. kindred jungle season 6. kindred jungle s6. kindred jungle guide s6. kindred jungle clear. kindred jungle 6.7. kindred jungle 6...
League of Legends - BRAND NA AD(P)CARRY? SEASON 6 [PL] [GAMEPLAY] [D5] [HD]
Podoba się. Zostaw lajka i share motywuje mnie to dalszych filmów :) ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ. Facebook.
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