League Of Legends 45 Poppy VS Jax
League Of Legends #45 - Poppy VS Jax
League Of Legends #45 - Poppy VS Jax. Premade avec Sauma, Kakyoiin et Aekdped. Twitter :.
League of Legends: POPPY BUG !
I was playing a game, and i found this bug. So i decided to make a video.
League of Legends - ASCENSION - Poppy still OP xD
League of Legends - ASCENSION - Poppy still OP xD.
League of Legends Gameplay Poppy
This is My First video please give me tips and what to change i will be adding a intro to this one day :3..
Poppy and Quinn - League of Legends A-Z Duo
Nathaniel and Chase have been playing League of Legends for a long time. We'll be showing off new additions to the rift. League of Legends is a multiplayer online ba...
Kindred and Poppy top League of Legends
Computer Specifications:. CPU: Intel Core i7 4930k. - Cooler: Corsair H80i. MB: Asrock Extreme 11 X79. RAM: Corsair 32 GB DDR3-2400 ( 4 x 8GB ). GPU: ASUS nVidia Ge...
League Epic Moments #1 - How to ignore Poppy | League of Legends
Welcome to the first Episode of League Epic Moments. I love making montages of great plays and sharing it with people. Thanks for watching :). Players at the video●....
League Of Legends Ascension #1 (Tank Poppy)
Hai guys, new videos now and then come and sp me..
League of Legends - POPPY - modo ascensão
Eaêêêê galera !!. Blz ??. Trazendo mais um vídeo do canal. game play de poppy modo ascensão. Curte AÊÊÊ galera !!!!!!!. Inscrevam-se no canal !!!. |--| Compartilhe....
AD Poppy Dominion Guide - League of Legends
Talking about AD Poppy on Dominion. Pros, cons, Summoner Spells, Masteries, Skills, tips playing her, tips beating her and champions that counter her. ● More videos...
Poppy TOP || League of Legends Season 6 [German/HD]
Hey ihr Lieben,. ich hoffe das Video hat euch gut gefallen, wenn ja, lasst ein Daumen nach oben da. Oder schreibt Verbesserungsvorschläge in die Kommentare. Wünsche...
League of Legends #4: Poppy Support W/ The CREW
I know I am bad with poppy, she really fun to play. hope you guys enjoyed this poppy support. Don't forget to leave a like and subscribe. |--| Check out my channel.
[League of Legends] THUG LIFE - POPPY
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Poppy Adventures into the Rift - League of Legends
Very fun Poppy game I played today (2nd time I've played her) and it was very fun. A lot going on so that's why the video is so long (So many great "plays"). Enjoy :...
Poppy's death mock | League of Legends
Don't forget to subscribe, it would really help a lot. I post league of legends videos daily, thank you for watching. Credits to Bartvanm.
Poppy da King-Stream Highlight (League of Legends)
Poppy da King-Stream Highlight (League of Legends). Sorry for that ending im not used to this editing programm from hitbox but poppy killed nidalee and escaped :D. C...
28/5/18 on Poppy ARAM (League of Legends Replay) (Unedited)
Hey guys!!. My name is Meninshades1. I want to thank you for taking the time to watch my videos and if you want more subscribe. Also your feedback is appreciated; le...
76 TSM Dyrus TOP Poppy vs Lulu SoloQ League of Legends
Support Dyrus by following him on his social media at:. Twitch:.
[Diamond I] 20$ RP Giveaway - League of Legends Poppy Gameplay!
Giving away tons of RP, read further below to see how you have a chance of this winning this giveaway. At a random point in the video i will be explaining how the gi...
#14 Poppy Top S6 | League of Legends | ¡Martillazo para todos!
Hoy os traigo una épica partida con Poppy top liandola por la grieta, espero que os guste chavales y no olvidéis darle LIKE y suscribiros. Mi canal:.
► League of Legends Poppy Jungle Gameplay Season 6
Full Gameplay Poppy in Jungle Season 6. |--| • This video was a live stream. |--| • Sorry for this quality, but is 1080 p (IDK). ♫ Not my song ♫. TheFatRat - Time La...
LGD MaRin [Rumble] vs [Poppy] Top - Highlights | League of Legends
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ღღღ WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL ღღღ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬. ➥This is my channel: League of Legends/리그오브레전드. ☛ We are here make video about: Hightlights, Challenger Match,...
89 TSM Dyrus TOP Poppy vs DArius SoloQ League of Legends
Support Dyrus by following him on his social media at:. Twitch:.
Salty Poppy Jungle Valentine's Day League of Legends
Leave a like if you enjoyed this video. Subscribe:.
SickMotion - Poppy vs Shen Toplane S6 - League of Legends
Patch 6.9 Full game replay of from the stream. Any drops in audio quality are due to copyright songs being removed. Runes: 8.5 AD 8.5 Arm 216 HP @ 18 %20 CDR @ 18. M...
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