League of Legends Carry Platinum Nasus 2
League of Legends - (Bodyguard) Platinum Volibear 2
LIKE because Comrade Stalin approves of Brother Bear. Question of the Day - Which cheap/basic skin do you think is the best. twitter.
League of Legends - (Nostalgic) Platinum Darius 4
LIKE because this game gave you a huge, furious nostalgic boner. Question of the Day - Which champions give you the most serious case of stiff pants. twitter.
League of Legends - (Thunderstruck) Platinum Kennen
LIKE because finding new champions to play is always a thrill. Question of the Day - Any new recent champions (within last month) that you've played and realized "Wh...
platinum adc adventures part.1-League Of Legends
hey guys,its my first video here,i hope you enjoy,the music is repeated in whole video,if you liked this video please like and subscribe!.
Road to diamond.... or platinum #1 - League of legends
Hey guys. My first "SERIES" is here. Hope you will enjoy. If you want me to play other games than League of legends feel free to leave a comment about what, and don'...
Did You Know? - Nasus - Ep #26 - League of Legends
A series I thought of where I can discuss cool tips and facts on champions in the league. I will be trying to make these episodes as informative and short as I can....
Nasus ! ( league of legends )
bonjours a tous et a toutes. Le secret de Nasus et tout simplement de farm. je vous dit a très vite :).
League of Legends [U.R.F.]-Nasus
Sper ca v-a placut acest episod scuze pentru lag dar azi dimineata mi-am dat seama de problema: OBS-ul era setat pe modul de live stream (GJ ROBERT!) xD!.
League of Legends - Nasus Top - #71
Nick do LOL. GabrielUrakin. Nasus top, nasus counter, nasus build, nasus guilde, nasus jungle, nasus masteries, nasus skins. ✔✔お気に入りを共有✔コメントと同様に✔購読...
"POCO FEEDDATO" road to platinum #14 - league of legends ITA
»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»↕☾DESCRIZIONE☽↕«««««««««««««««««««««. ciao a tutti ragazzi io sono il macix. faccio video prevalentemente di league of legends, montage, gamepla...
League of Legends. Riven top gameplay Platinum 5 VS Darius. #EUW
Hello everyone. This is a gameplay video where I play Riven in the top lane against Darius. I am playing Ranked, Platinum 5 in EUW. If you have any tips/questions or...
League of Legends Fizz Platinum Gameplay 6.9 Highlights
Best League of Legends Fizz Platinum Gameplay 6.9 Highlights.
League of Legends - Quest to Platinum #4 - Garen Top Gameplay
League: Silver. Divison: I. LP:44. Hi everyone,this is RedNovaArchfiend. I really hope you guys enjoy my video. If you do,please leave. a like and subscribe if you h...
Road to Platinum Episode 1: Thresh League of Legends
In this episode of spicy game play Spice Lord JJ takes his old reliable Thresh on the rift into the bot lane to land some hooks that are sub par to mediocre for his...
Dicas - Nasus - League of Legends #2
Dá uma conferida nos parceiros abaixo, provavelmente algum deles vai apresentar conteúdo que você irá gostar. League OF Legends BR :.
League Of Legends #25 Nasus'ą Į Suportus
-Aprašymas. League of Legends yra greitas, konkurencinis žaidimas, kuris sujungia RTS greitį ir intensyvumą su RPG elementais. Dvi galingų čempionų komandos, kiekvie...
League of Legends - Nasus vs Volibear
Top lane Nasus, at level 13. |--| The game played on dual display (3840 x 1080) and uploaded at 1920 x 540 resolution..
League of Legends - How to play Nasus
Thx for watching. i was bored soo i did something like this. Music used:.
League of Legends #1 - QUADRA Nasus ?
Siemka. |--| Pozostaw po sobie coś i daj subskrypcje. |--| 15 łapek i leci od razu następny filmik Tristiana adc!.
League of legends - Nasus Gameplay [TOP]
Hey guys and girls today i will be playing league of legends top lane with Nasus, Make sure to Subscribe and leave a like down below.
the bast nasus pvp - league of legends
ღღღ WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL ღღღ. ➥This is my channel: League of Legends/Garena. ☛ We are here make video about: Hightlights characters. _______________________________...
League of Legends - Astro Teemo vs Platinum Katarina Mid S5 (Season 5)
Teemo vs Katarina tips: Shut her down early, meaning let her blow her skills, and go at her with 2-3 shots then back up, rinse and repeat. If she jumps on you, make...
Funny/Fail Compilation League Of Legends ( Platinum new Bronze?!)
So the "flaming " in game is nothing special because they are all my friends ( Premades ) ,its just a joke,don't take it too hard guys. Hope you like it.
League of Legends Ft Nasus On Top (Game 200 Patch 6.9)
If you have something to say just write on the comments below, if you have any cool anime, tv series, movies or/and music just make comment. Thanks for watching. Her...
League of Legends - Nasus gameplay with friends
Playing a normal game with some friends as Nasus top. |--| verder gaan as Thresh support, General Jezus as Shaco jungle and Doolin as Miss Fortune adc..
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