League of Legends Quest to Platinum 4 Garen Top Gameplay
League of Legends - Quest to Platinum #4 - Garen Top Gameplay
League: Silver. Divison: I. LP:44. Hi everyone,this is RedNovaArchfiend. I really hope you guys enjoy my video. If you do,please leave. a like and subscribe if you h...
League of Legends - Astro Teemo vs Garen - Ranked Placement Match 1 Garen Raging 5.16 Rework
First ranked placement match. My team was saying how Garen will kill me in one ult, calling me a troll, etc. Had to prove them wrong :] Garen true damage rework vs T...
Garen Urf gameplay [League of Legends]
Bueno aquí jugando a Garen que esta bastante op con full crit y ad. si os gustan los vídeos que subo , un Like seria de agradecer y ya si lo compartís mejor. Suscríb...
Skype: casalprogamer. ▀ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ PARCEIROS ▀ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄. AlfaGammer:.
FULL AD GAREN - Top Gameplay League of Legends
Full AD Garen is. AMAZING. 20 stacks achieved, League of Legends is kill. Subscribe to Bring It In:.
League of Legends - Yorick Top (vs. Garen) - Full Gameplay
Bad early game but it picks up fast. Enjoy, and subscribe for more League gameplays!.
League of Legends. Riven top gameplay Platinum 5 VS Darius. #EUW
Hello everyone. This is a gameplay video where I play Riven in the top lane against Darius. I am playing Ranked, Platinum 5 in EUW. If you have any tips/questions or...
League of Legends Fizz Platinum Gameplay 6.9 Highlights
Best League of Legends Fizz Platinum Gameplay 6.9 Highlights.
League of Legends #22 - GAREN BEYBLADE - Garen Top 6.10
#######################. Oi pessoal. tudo bem. Nesse video eu estou jogando de Garen e irei lhes mostrar o poder da beyblade. kkkk espero que gostem do video e se go...
League Of Legends — Wingsofdeath as Poppy vs Garen Top Full Gameplay
League Of Legends — Wingsofdeath as Poppy vs Garen Top Full Gameplay.
GAREN SUPPORT??? - One to Silver - League of Legends Full Gameplay
What's going on guys, just Alex here. Sorry about the late upload got screwed around by my internet and Youtube. Anyway we managed to get it up. |--| Another League...
League of Legends German Gameplay #161 - Yasuo Toplane vs Garen
Willkommen zu einem weiteren League of Legends German Gameplay meiner Let's Play Reihe. |--| Ich spiele dieses Online Game schon sehr lange auf Platin bis Diamond Ni...
Rogue Admiral garen League of Legends Full Ascension Gameplay
here's an another League of legends gameplay as Garen with my New skin rogue admiral garen yahoo!. |--| ascension is so cool just trying garen at the new game mode....
League of Legends URF - Garen - Spin To Win - Full Gameplay Commentary - Season 6 ☆
Super OP URF champion. Press tat subscribe button to win if you've enjoyed the video and I hope you enjoy and have a great day!.
TRYNDAMERE VS GAREN | BRONZE DREAM TEAM | League of Legends Ranked 6.10 Full Gameplay
Hello and welcome to my Youtube Gaming channel "Tryndamere Windamere". As you can see from my channel name I'm a heavy player of League of Legends and my main champi...
League of Legends - Garen Top - #66
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League of Legends #1 Der Garen
Mit da bei Steven aKa FKK TI VolTeXx und Alex aKa Zocker.
League of Legends#2: El fin de Garen
chicos aquí les traigo otro vídeo de League of Legends ojalas que les guste y denle un gran apoyo al canal.
League of Legends - Garen Top - #67
Like ✔ Favorite ✔ Compartilhe ✔ Comente ✔ Inscreva-se ✔. Entre para Freedom.
(League Of Legends) Ep2 AWW NO GAREN!!!
SONG PROVIDED BY NCS : (Links in that videos description). Hey Guys Welcome To My Channel. If You Haven't Subscribed Yet Please Do I Post Speed-Arts Gaming Tutoria...
League of Legends - Garen Top - #68
Like ✔ Favorite ✔ Compartilhe ✔ Comente ✔ Inscreva-se ✔. Entre para Freedom.
League of Legends - Garen Top [S6] [60 FPS]
Hey there guys. This is my 1st video uploaded in 60 fps. I hope you like it. PS: Don't suicide to turrets like me XD. Music by Tobu.
League Of Legends Urf #1 Garen
ebben a videóban Tornádó Garen-el fogjuk csapatni és velem tart Milán.
League of Legends - Platinum Zed
LIKE because even more champions, like Zed, are getting more team battles. twitter.
League Of Legends - Garen Tank TOP S6.9
Se empezó a grabar por error al iniciarse una team fight y al final lo deje grabando. Buena partida de lol en la que garen tankea de to0o0o00od0o y ranked ganada con...
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